Le mardi 05 avril 2005 à 08:26 -0700, Joshua D. Drake a écrit :

> Frankly I don't think we should care if PHP is borked on
> their API or build process. We should care if plPHP is:
> A. Quality enough software (and yes it needs some work) to
> go into core.
> B. Appropriate for the PostgreSQL user base.
> Obviously my opinion is that B is met and A is being worked
> on.

I just caught on to this thread. For those of us who don't want PHP
withing shouting distance of our PostgreSQL server what does this mean?
I don't trust PHP or its developers anywhere within the distance of a
long pole... (ancient history but once burned always shy)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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