On Wed, 06 Apr 2005 15:54:29 +0100
Richard Huxton <dev@archonet.com> wrote:

> >   I mean from 5 to 5 minutes 
> > INSERT 70000 rows in table
> I thought you were trying an inserting / updating if it failed? You 
> shouldn't have any duplicates if the table was already empty. Or have I 
> misunderstood?

   Ok, let's start over :)

The script does the following thing:
1. read the count of rows in two tables from the mssql database
2. read the count of rows of the 'mirror' tables in postgres
these are tables that get updated rarely and have a maximum of 100000
records together
3. if the counts differ, delete from the mirror table everything and
reinsert everything. 
4. THEN do the inserts that get updated on error

I thought the problem lied with step 4, but now I see that step 3 was
the culprit and that , indeed, I did not do drop table, create table but
delete from and inserts. I think that recreating these two tables should
solve the problem, isn't it?

A classical case of figuring out what the problem is while asking for
help, then feeling silly about it :)

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