What I was trying to do was export the database on one computer and import it onto another. I gave up trying to fix the export problem since I had an old backup of the database. It was old enough that it was short three tables, but I have the raw tab delimited data so I just reconstructed the database on this new machine. I've been running Gentoo for about a year and a half now, and in the early days, I did not fully understand all of the possible USE settings, but I've gotten more comfortable with it over time. As you probably know, once you've settled on what your USE settings should be, you can rebuild your system to reflect those new settings. I did that, and since everything appeared to be working OK, I assumed everything was OK, but obviously the damage to PostgreSQL was already done. Anyway, I think my settings now are pretty conservative and I know ot to play around with the Postgres USE flags. One of the reasons I'm migrating is to do a complete rebuild and apply what I've learned about Gentoo from scratch on a new computer. Here are my settings, as you asked. I don't think they're too out of line, but...
On Apr 19, 2005, at 6:06 p, Russell Smith wrote:

I read your post in the forums. And as Tom suggested, it's going nothing to do with pg_dump,
you need to remerge postgresql at the very least, and with some C and USE flags you understand.

The Usual Gentoo causes come to mind first. USE flags set correctly? what are they?

USE="X -gnome -gtk -gtk2 cups -kde -qt

What are your GCC flags. I see a lot of gentoo users who just about turn on every compiler flag
without actually knowing what they do, or how they effect things. Are your C_FLAGS conservative?

CFLAGS="-O2 -mtune=G3 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe"
I've been using Postgresql on gentoo for both 7.4, and 8.0 from beta to 8.0.2 with no problems. But then
I always set my C_FLAGS to something conservative like CGLAGS="-march=i586 -mcpu=i586 -O2 -pipe"
yes, it may seems a "Gentoo Conservative" buy I don't get broken software. Always check extra patches
applied to the default distribution if you ever have trouble to weed out problem. And never build with and
USE flags you don't understand the implications of. Especially package specific ones.

I've always been a bit concerned about the patches myself.
I understand Tom's frustration, as Redhat is in business and ships quality checked software, and Gentoo
is run by a community group. Of which I think may of the packagers are not tied to the projects they are
packaging. But I also think there is often fault with the Gentoo user attempting to bleed his system a little
too much for speed, without considering the stability or even understand it.

"My Break-Dancing days are over, but there's always the Funky Chicken"
--The Full Monty

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