I have a table, structure like this:
create table product(
 sku, int4 not null,
 category int4 null,
 display_name varchar(100) null,
 rank int4 null
let say example data:
sku, category, display_name
10001, 5, postgresql, 132
10002, 5, mysql, 243
10003, 5, oracle, 323
10006, 7, photoshop, 53 
10007, 7, flash mx, 88
10008, 9, Windows XP, 44
10008, 9, Linux, 74
Expected query result:
sku, category, display_name, category_count
10001, 5, postgresql, 3
10006, 7, photoshop, 2
10008, 9, Windows XP, 2
The idea is getting getting highest ranking each product category and COUNT how many products in the category with SINGLE query.
the first 3 columns can be done with select distinct on (category) ... order by category, rank desc but it still missing the category_count. I wish no subquery needed for having simplest query plan.
Thank you. 
Yudie G.

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