Check out EnterprisDB:


Edward Peschko wrote:
hey all,

I'm trying to convince some people here to adopt either mysql or postgresql
as a relational database here.. However, we can't start from a clean slate; we have a very mature oracle database that applications point to right now, and so we need a migration path. I went to the mysql folks, and it looks like its going to be quite a while before mysql is up to the task, so I thought I'd try pgsql.
Anyways, I was thinking of taking the following steps:

    a) finding a Java API that transparently supports both postgresql and
            Oracle data access and stored procedure calls.

    b) instrumenting the Oracle database so that all tables support
            timestamps on data rows.

    c) mirroring the Oracle database in MySQL.

    d) making interface code connecting the MySQL database to the
       Oracle database (and both applying updates to the database
       as well as data.

In other words, I'm looking to make a postgresql -> Oracle mirroring tool, and syncing the databases on a nightly basis, and I was
wondering if anybody had experience with this sort of thing.

As I see it, if we pull this off we could save quite a bit in licensing costs - we'd still have oracle around, but it would only be a datastore for talking to other oracle databases, and run by batch, not accessed by end users.


    a) I'm not sure how well stored procs, views, triggers and
           indexes transfer over from oracle to postgresql.

    b) I'm not sure how scalable postgresql is, and how well
it handles multiprocessor support (we'd be using a six-processor box.

As an aside, how much experience do people on the list have with
enterprise db? I was thinking that they might alleviate the mirroring headaches quite a bit, but they don't seem to have a solaris port.. Anybody have a take on their db?


 ps - if you subscribe to the mysql list, no you're not seeing double.
      I posted a very similar message on the mysql lists a couple
of days ago.. )

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