I am getting a number of deadlock errors in my log files and I was wondering if anyone knows how I can stop them.

Query failed: ERROR: deadlock detected DETAIL: Process 11931 waits for ShareLock on transaction 148236867; blocked by process 11932. Process 11932 waits for ShareLock on transaction 148236866; blocked by process 11931.

This is for a web application. Whenever a search result is displayed I need to update a counter to say it has been viewed which is done with between 1 and 15 updates in one transaction of the form.

UPDATE stats SET click_count = click_count+1 WHERE id = '122'
UPDATE stats SET click_count = click_count+1 WHERE id = '123'
UPDATE stats SET click_count = click_count+1 WHERE id = '124'

My lock management config is:
deadlock_timeout = 2000 # in milliseconds
#max_locks_per_transaction = 64 # min 10, ~200*max_connections bytes

I am using Postgres 8.0.3

Does anyone know how I can stop these deadlocks from occurring?

They are not a big problem as losing a few it only happens a couple of times a day but I prefer to have everything working as it should.



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