Am Montag, den 13.06.2005, 11:42 -0400 schrieb Chris Browne:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tatsuo Ishii) writes:
> >> For the contents too. I dont think the source code installation
> >> should be so much in the focus of the certification.
> >
> > Since PostgreSQL is an open source database, I think it is important
> > to understand how to install PostgreSQL from the source code.
> There will be cases where you'll really need this, particularly if
> using extension packages.
> For instance, it is likely that Slony-I will be fairly easily
> available in precompiled form for PostgreSQL 8.0.  On the other hand,
> there probably won't be RPM packages (or the like) for version 7.4,
> which means that if you want to use Slony-I for a version upgrade,
> there will be a need to compile it, and there's a fair likelihood that
> you'll need to compile PostgreSQL as well.
> That's just one application; I'm sure there are plenty of others.  
> And there is also the point: "What good is it to be using an 'open
> source' database if you aren't competent to use that source?"

Sure, but still this is not really a DBA task but a sysadmin task.
I would range it as usefull secondary knowledge.

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