Rodrigo Katsumoto Sakai wrote:
Hi, I'm having some troubles using the driver ODBC! The problem is
that a did some reports with Crystal Reports XI and used PostgreSQL
7.4.x with psqlodbc-07_03_0200, now I have migrate to PostgreSQL
8.0.3 and I'm using psqlodbc-08_00_0101 but the reports that I did is
not working anymore because it is not mapping the fields of the
tables correctly! I need to kwon what has changed in the structure
(if changed) of the talbes! Thanks a lot!

What tables? What mapping? What is incorrect?

Also, have you ruled out some change in the ODBC driver? I believe psqlodbc-07 should work with a version 8.0 PostgreSQL installation.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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