Tom Lane wrote:
I suppose what we are looking at here is some operation that is
invalidating a relcache entry but failing to clear it.

Hm. After discussing this with people here we have a hypothesis. The process that issues the TRUNCATE command does something a little peculiar: every minute or so twelve distinct functions are overwritten using CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION. Perhaps this is causing the postmaster backend to fill its relcache.

To test this Joe created a simple C program that does the same operation on slightly changed functions (changed only enough so as not to interfere with the real process). After running this for a little over an hour here is what we see from top:

17033 postgres  16   0  182M 182M  180M R    35.7  4.6  22:33   1 postmaster
17032 root 9 0 63056 61M 1336 S 0.5 1.5 0:21 0 test_function

The RSS value has been steadily growing the entire time, so I think we have our cause. Is this a postmaster memory leak, or is this behavior intentional? Either way, what would be the best way to work around it? These functions are created in this way because we want them to point to different tables at different times.

Thanks again for pointing us in the right direction on this.


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