I'm using postgresql with Drupal.  I have one small problem.  I would
like to keep the Drupal tables available only to a small group of users
(apache, root and myself).  I've set these user up in a group.  

The problem is that every time I want to add a new Drupal module to the
database, I need to run the supplied script that creates the needed
objects.  I then have to manually scan the script to find which objects
are created, and then grant access to them to my group.

Is there a way to do this automatically?  Say, to make all new objects
accessible (or even owned) by a group?  Something like the sticky bit in
a directory on UNIX.

Thanks for a great product.

Wayne Johnson,             | There are two kinds of people: Those 
3943 Penn Ave. N.          | who say to God, "Thy will be done," 
Minneapolis, MN 55412-1908 | and those to whom God says, "All right, 
(612) 522-7003             | then,  have it your way." --C.S. Lewis

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