On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 03:11:35PM -0500, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-07-12 at 15:06, Mark Rae wrote:
> > I think its more a case of AMD now having solid evidence to back
> > up the claims. 
> Wow!  That's pretty fascinating.  So, is the evidence pretty
> overwhelming that this was not simple incompetence, but real malice?

I suppose that depends on the exact nature of the 'check'.

As far as I was aware it was more a case of 'I don't recognise this
processor, so I'll do it the slow but safe way'.

However from what AMD are claiming, it seems to be more of a 
'Its an AMD processor so I'll be deliberately slow and buggy'

Having said that, I have tried compiling PG with the intel compiler 
in the past, and haven't noticed any real difference. But in a database
there isn't much scope for vectorization and pipelining
compared with numerical code, which is where the Intel compiler
makes the greatest difference.


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