If, as the name of the column suggests, the backslash is used for pathnames, why don't you bypass the problem by using normal slash (I.E: "path/to/my/file")? It works well
with new windows versions and, of course, unix-style pathnames....

Hope this helps, Roberto

ketan shah wrote:

All, My name is ketan, i have problem in postgres db insert..
 Here is my problem.
i have created table like..
1) Create table tab1(usr_id varchar(15), usr_name varchar(20),usr_filename_pattern varchar(1024));
      insert table tab1 values('A','Mr. A','A\\d\\d\\d\\d');
Record is successfully inserted But when i retrieve using java program..
      select * from tab1;
The output is 'A', 'Mr. A', 'A\d\d\d\d' (means it escapeing '\')
     Also when i update the record
     update tab1 set usr_name='Mr. B' where usr_id='A';
and after succefully updation when i try to retrieve record by
    select * from tab1;
   output is  'A','Mr. B', 'Adddd'    ; (means it escapeing '\'     again)
My question :
    After updation  how i get
   'A', 'Mr. B', 'A\\d\\d\\d\\d'
  i.e. not escapeing '\\'.
  I am using postgres 7.4.6 and java 1.4.
pl. help me out...
Thanks in advanced..

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