Bruno Wolff III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 19:10:03 +1000,
>> * Allow to optionally prevent overloading in functions, thus allowing 
>> the CREATE OR REPLACE command replace the function despite having 
>> different parameters

> What happens if there is more than one existing function with that name
> already. Do all of the old functions get deleted?

What happens if there are existing references to the function using the
old parameter list?

The current approach is that if you want to change the parameter list or
result type, you have to issue DROP FUNCTION, with the resulting cascade
of any dependent objects.  I think trying to change that would be a very
bad idea.  It'd create a real mess in terms of consistency of views, and
what does it really buy you notationally over DROP/CREATE?

                        regards, tom lane

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