
we are refactoring a larger merchandise management system atm. It's a more complex schema with about 120 relations. In the current system we have parts of the bussines logic in the DBMS and other parts, that we had problems implementing in pl/pgsql, in the app itself. Our goal is to move all an everything into DBMS now, so idealy even someone using a simple database frontend could use the app. Almost any access is done via writeable views and stored procs to have a clean API for the frontend devs. Someone writing a frontend does not have to understand a complex versioning system, writing to 9 tables, when he just wants to update some article data.

We found solutions for most things, but there is one thing, I can't think of a clean solution for. In the old app we validated all incomming data on app level first, generated error msgs etc to the user and once the data seems ok at app level, passed it to the DBMS where the declarative integrity and a bunch of triggers throwed exceptions, in case there was something going wrong with the frontend. As said, we want to move anything to DBMS level now. One problem with to current DBMS side approach was, that once an exception occurred the transaction is aborted and nothing is validated further. Imagin a user entering address data in the frontend and submitting an incomplete form -- you want to show him something like this:

Please select a title.
Please fill the firstname field.
Please fill the lasttname field.
Please fill the street field.

and not a single:

ERROR: NOT NULL violation for title_id..

so we basically put the validation logic, we had on app level, on top of the tables using triggers and access functions. The trigger (pre-)validates the data, generates language dependant error msgs and returns a single, nicely formated msg back to the frontend, containing anything it has to complain about. It does not abort the transaction, it just prevents the modification. Aborting the transaction is now up to the client, as there may be a situation where an error may not be fatal in a given context. For example the user has a form to do something with 20 articles, the action fails for one article as the stock count may not be sufficient, you still want to save the other 19 articles and just warn the user that the order amount for one of them could not be incremented further.

So we have two layers of validation, the first one beeing the `soft-one', checking for common mistakes, we can thing of. It generates nice error msgs, and the `hard' declarative one below, that still throws fata exceptions in case something completly unexpected happend.

Now the real problem is with writable views. We can't bind triggers to that (for whatever reason). Look at http://hannes.imos.net/prob.png for a simplified case. There are 2 tables representing one user in the writable v_users view. The fields that musst be filled in the addresses table depend on the user_group the user is in. A privat person does not have to fill in the company field for example. How could we create the `soft-layer' in that case? :/ Sure we could create an access function like user_data_save() but this has other limitations as pl/pgsql is strong typed and a function can be overloaded.

How do others do something like this? Are there better ways for the whole thing?

Thanks in advance

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