On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 11:46:05AM -0400, Robert Treat wrote:
> > > Anyone else getting duplicate messages?  I seem to be getting them
> > > sporadically on different messages on pgsql-general.  Seems to have 
> > > started
> > > sometime Monday morning (estern us time)
> > 
> > One reason this happens is because people post to the list from an address
> > which is not subscribed. Their message gets addded the moderator's queue.
> > They then realize that they were not subscribed, and either subscribe
> > and send again, or send from another account, or send again so it gets
> > added to the moderator's queue multiple times. The moderator comes along and
> > approves the message(s) at some point. Thus, duplicate messages. In an ideal
> > world, the moderator or the original poster is constantly reading the list
> > and realized the post has already made it. Of course, in an ideal world,
> > people would subscribe to the list before attempting to send to it. :)
> > 
> Seems unlikely unless folks like Tom Lane, Stephan Szabo, and Richard
> Huxton have unsubscribed and resubscribed lately... Funny thing is it
> isnt every messages, but maybe half of them. And its not to specific
> users, sometimes one of Toms emails will duplicate but sometimes not.
> Further more it only seems to be happening on pgsql-general emails and
> not on any of the other lists... I also notice this is only happening on
> one of my subscribed emails, not the other, which is a little weird...
> according to the headers though, this problem is happening further
> upstream. 

It happens every so often (I've noticed it 4 or 5 times in the past
few years). If you check the headers you'll probably find the dupes
come from one particular server. It appears to be multiple delivery
rather than reinjection of articles to the list.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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