So, it seems to me that there is a fair bit of work to be done on helping people migrate MySQL to PostgreSQL.

So far, the checklist I can see includes:
*  Maintaining conversion scripts
*  Reviewing pain points and looking at ways of mitigating them.
*  Building solid migration documentation
*  Providing porting frameworks

This last item could have some potentials. For example, a source-code compatible library to map MySQL client lib system calls to libpq operations for the C API, PHP wrapper scripts, etc.

My company will be providing a PHP wrapper script, and will be working on some documentation. Most of the documentation will be BSD-style licensed with the exception of the references to my company's services (which must be stripped out of non-verbatim reproductions).

If anyone else sees any other interesting areas that need work, it might be worthwhile to discuss them as well.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
Metatron Technology Consulting

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