I picked 260 because 256 are the max clients in the apache configuration file. My problem is that every apache request need to make a connection to the database, so if I have all the 256 apache processes working, I need at least 256 pg_pool processes.

However, with the pg_pgpool installed in each machine with 260 preforked clients, the test ended quite well. The postgresql server didn't loaded two much and errors like "There is already a transaction in progress" disappeared (I think that was a problem with the apache persistent connections).

I encountered also other problems that I must to check. I think they are caused by my application.

As soon as I have some results, I'll let you know.

Thank you,

Jeff Trout wrote:

On Jul 27, 2005, at 10:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm now testing with pg_pool installed on each apache frontend with 260 pg_pool preforked clients in each machine.

Why did you pick 260?

You don't need a 1:1 ratio. That is the point of the pool. Those connections are "shared". Chances are extremely high that all your apache clients are not issuing queries at the same exact time so your queries end up getting funnelled into those X connections.

I ran with 32 kids on pg_pool and 350 apache processes. never had a problem.


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