Hi all,
I am sorry for a stupid easy question, but I'am PostgreSQL novice.
Our development team has encountered problem with trying to install and maintain cluster (pgcluster) on our production database. So they have decided to switch the entire solution to MySql database. a) have you got any good/bad experience with administering and running cluster on PostrgeSQL DB?
no experience whatsoever. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? There are many other replication solutions as well which may work better for your solution at the moment.

b) would u switch PostgreSQL to MySql (7.4 --> 4.1) and why?

Yes I would switch.

1)  PostgreSQL is far more standards compliant than MySQL
2) PostgreSQL does not silently truncate your data unless you tell it to do so.
3)  Performs better with complex queries and under load.

Quoting from my migration guide:

Information is the life-breath of any business in the way that money is its life-blood. Many busi- nesses today use Relational Dabase Management Systems (RDBMS's) to manage this critical asset. As such, it is important that the RDBMS chosen to manage this information is as robust and powerful as possible. PostgreSQL offers many powerful tools to provide information from your database for a variety of uses, including integration of diverse applications, reporting, and a variety of other uses.
PostgreSQL is also quite scalable and extremely robust.
PostgreSQL is also the most standards-compliant open source database around, implimenting more SQL-99 features than MySQL or FirebirdSQL. It has a very vibrant community, and is free from many of the licensing issues that have, as of the time of this writing, surfaced with MySQL. Use or even distribution of PostgreSQL will never require an additional license from a commercial entity, for
PostgreSQL also performs better than MySQL in many real-world scenarios. While MySQL does perform better for simple read-only operations when transactional control is disabled, PostgreSQL handles more complex queries with ease, and provides better performance under high load than MySQL, especially when some users are writing to the database. Therefore, while MySQL is quite well suited for simple content management tools where there is no need to integrate it with other line of business applications, PostgreSQL is better for any application of reasonable complexity. Finally, as of version 4.x, MySQL does not strictly check the validity of information written to the database. Numbers may be silently truncated, for example, or invalid dates, such as Feb 31, 2005, could be entered into the database. While this is possibly acceptible where only a single application is using the database, it becomes unacceptable quickly when several independent applications must access the same data because a bug in any one application could allow invalid (or worse, erroneous) data to be saved. Even when strict mode debuts in 5.x, it is unlikely that this will be enabled by
default as MySQL will be largely required to be backwards compatible.

Hope this helps.

Chris Travers
Metatron Technology Consulting
fn:Chris Travers
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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