The platform is linux and the version is postgreSQL 8.0.0
not that the database is going into some inconsistent state.
 it is not crashing
but ... then ..the beahviour is different for the two ..i mean processes...and threads
i ll do more checking to see if it crashes or not.
Sometime back someone noticed a crash ...and it was poiniting to kerberos.
I am not using kerberos anywhere.
Surabhi Ahuja
> it seems to me that ...isolation is guaranteed only if we are considering different connections in different processes.

> if we have multiple threads ...each using diff connection (but same process) ..isolation is not happening.
> when context switch between threads happens ..everythings goes for a toss.

This does work though, so there must be a misunderstanding somewhere.
However, it's not clear what you mean by "isolation". It is crashing or
something else?

Please also specify version and platform.

Have a nice day,

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