The docs state:

"NOTIFY behaves like Unix signals in one important
respect: if the same notification name is signaled
multiple times in quick succession, recipients may get
only one notification event for several executions of
NOTIFY. So it is a bad idea to depend on the number of
notifications received. Instead, use NOTIFY to wake up
applications that need to pay attention to something,
and use a database object (such as a sequence) to keep
track of what happened or how many times it happened."

I'm considering setting up a script that listens for
notifications for a table and if a row is deleted the
script will delete that row's corresponding files. If
there are thousands of rows in the table, and I do
"delete from table", or even "delete from table where
id >1000 and id<2000", will the script be notified of
the deletion of each and every row (and subsequently
be able to delete that row's files), or will only one
notify event be received (or some number less than the
actual number of rows deleted)?


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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