> What did you do, the old "kill -9 some random process" approach to
> database management?  The recommended ways of cancelling a session
> wouldn't have caused this.

I never said I kill -9 .  I do pg_ctl stop
BTW, drop cascade on the namespace seems to be working.

create temp queries failed with an error asking to increase
max_locks_per_transaction variable. Now that you mention about
the clean up code, it does make sense - it was probably trying to
cleanup and it couldn't.
I increased max_locks_per_transaction and now delete cascade seems to work
(still running, so I can't say)

> There is code to make them go away the first time a backend wants to use
> the relevant pg_temp_xxxxx namespace.  So you could start a backend,
> do "create temp table ...", start another backend while the first
> remains running, do another "create temp table ...", repeat until they
> go away.

Didn't know that - thanks for the info.

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