Apparently, the FOUND variable is set to false regardless of the outcome of 
the dynamic update statement. I placed a call to GET DIAGNOSTICS  var = 
ROW_COUNT. It returned 1.  Question is, was that the result of a direct 
update previously coded in the same trigger, or is that the result of the 
dynamic update statement performed with EXECUTE?

On Friday 02 September 2005 08:51 am, Terry Lee Tucker saith:
> Greetings,
> I have a question regarding the use of the FOUND variable within a plpgsql
> function. I have a trigger fuction which executes a dynamic update on a
> different table with the EXECUTE statement. Here's the question:
> Will the FOUND variable be set, when using EXECUTE, as it would be with a
> normal UPDATE statement?
> Thanks for the input...
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Quote: 87
"To those who cite the First Amendment as reason for excluding God
 from more and more of our institutions every day, I say: The First
 Amendment of the Constitution was not written to protect the people of
 this country from religious values; it was written to protect
 religious values from government tyranny."

 --Ronald Reagan

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