> CSN wrote:
> > Perhaps another possible feature request! I've
> > through the docs and it doesn't appear that it's
> > possible to create deferred triggers - i.e. they
> > get called unless the current transaction commits.

> The semantics of such a thing appear to be
indeterminate.  What happens
> if something in the trigger would have caused the
original transaction
> to fail?  Most people would expect all changes made
by the original
> transaction, as well as those made by the trigger,
to be rolled back.
> Using deferred triggers as you've defined it would
then require chainged
> transactions, which could get very messy.

That doesn't sound too messy - the trigger could
either cause the current transaction to abort, or

> > (My understanding
> > is that they currently get called immediately
whether or not there is
> > a transaction in progress.) 
> There is always a transaction in progress.

I meant when you explicitly enclose multiple statments
in a single transaction.

> -- 
> Guy Rouillier

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