On Friday 16 September 2005 07:28 am, John DeSoi wrote:
> On Sep 15, 2005, at 9:54 PM, Greg Stark wrote:
> > If you need data to propagate from the clients back to the server
> > then things
> > get more complicated. Even then you could side step a lot of
> > headaches if you
> > can structure the application in specific ways, such as
> > guaranteeing that the
> > clients can only insert, never update records.
> And even updates could be OK if the application can support the right
> partitioning of the data and only do it one place at a time. With
> some kinds of field based work it might be suitable to have global
> (read only) data along with data created in the field that is site/
> client specific. As long as the data collected in the field is not
> being updated on the master, it could continue to be updated in the
> field and synced back to the master database.
> John DeSoi, Ph.D.
> http://pgedit.com/
> Power Tools for PostgreSQL

Maybe one thing that could be used is use a trigger to date whenever a record 
is inserted/updated on the client computers, and whenever they get back to 
base to run a script and update the master according to any change
since the last time (according to the date).

Regards Neil

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