On 10/9/05, Rick Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> > Stupid question, but what does MySQL bring to the equation?
> MySQL brings to the table an impressive AI interface that knows what you
> really meant to do and thus does away with those pesky error messages.
> After all, who wants to be told that 0000-00-00 is not a date, or that
> you tried to insert a value of 70000 into a SMALLINT column?

LOL, this is the single greatest reason I stopped using mysql for my
own stuff. I like the user management aspect better, in that each user
only sees their own databases, but that's a small annoyance (a little
"psql -l | grep <user>" largely solves that) Whoever decided that
silently truncating values and other similar things was a good idea
should be shot. Never ever ever ever ever silently do anything that
changes data you stupid bitch of a database. Either accept the data as
is or reject it and throw an error and make me do the change myself so
at least I can control it.

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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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