On Tue, 2005-11-10 at 14:43 +0200, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> My personal favourite bug-tracker is debbugs, as used by the Debian
> Project. You can submit bugs by email, they get forwarded to
> maintainers (which can be a mailing list) via email. When they reply,
> the reply is also stored with the bug. Bugs can be tagged. AFAIK you
> can subscribe to bugs so if anything is added or altered you are told
> about it.

I think debbugs is fairly close to what we'd need, for reasons stated


(I think Bugzilla is *completely* the wrong tool for the Postgres
development model.)

I've heard vague comments from Debian people that the debbugs code is
kind of evil, although I haven't confirmed that myself. Writing a system
like this from scratch would not be much work, anyway...


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