On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:41:15AM +0200, Janning Vygen wrote:
> I really would like to start it! Two reasons for me not to do it: I don't 
> speak english very well, technical writing is even worse as my native 
> language is german. Second: i have experience with postgresql for 5 years, 
> but i don't think i have enough technical background for writing articles 
> about troubleshooting. If it still makes sense to start, i will! 

Just do it. Seriously. Anybody can fix grammer/spelling/style at
anytime in the future. But actual documentation for actual topics is
worth its weight in gold, even if someone else needs to tweak it

We need tutorials aimed at all levels. There has been discussion about
a document which lists all the error messages and what they mean. Any
documentation is good.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> Patent. n. Genius is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. A patent is a
> tool for doing 5% of the work and then sitting around waiting for someone
> else to do the other 95% so you can sue them.

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