In order to address some issues found with the Windows port, as well as GCC4, we have released a Beta 4 of the upcoming 8.1 Release.

This Beta is meant to be a quick beta, baring any problems, with our first Release Candidate happening late this same week.

With this beta, Tom has also put out the call for port reports, to round out our 'Supported Platforms' list:

"If you don't see your favorite platform already listed as tested for 8.1 at then please give it a try and send in your results."

We heavily encourage any, and all, to test this Beta out, to make sure we have weeded out as many bugs before release as possible ...

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           Yahoo!: yscrappy              ICQ: 7615664

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