Tom Lane wrote:

> MaXX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Can this be the cause of a huge loss of perf? I have the following query
>> in a Perl script using DBI + DBD::Pg, AutoCommit => 0:
>> SELECT stats_put_sources(?, ?, int4(?), int4(?))
>> This syntax runs almost 10x faster than:
>> SELECT stats_put_sources(?, ?, ?::int4, ?::int4)
> You probably have no idea how hard that is to believe --- they should
> certainly be just the same. Let's see a self-contained test case that
> exhibits this problem.

You're right and I'm stupid again... I found that I've changed from the Pg
way to the SQL way *AND* commented a '$dbm->commit;' inside the loop.
Removing the comment make the script slow as hell...

Thats the only explanation. I may need a lot of rest...

Sorry again,

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