On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 12:36, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello *,
> I have three Sun Server where I have reserved on each Server a Raid-5
> of 1 TByte for my PostgreSQL.  The first PostgreSQL is up and running
> with a database of 150 GByte. 
> Now I like to make the three Sun Servers redunant but I do not find
> any usefull HOWTO's or manuals how to setup PostgreSQL to work redunant.
> Can anyone point me to the right documentation please?
> How can I redirect requests to one of the other PostgreSQL servers, if
> one has to much load ?
> My servers have only 32 CPU's of 650 MHz and 64 GByte of memory running
> Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 (sparc), and they must support around 17.000 $USER
> currently.
> The Internet connection is curently for Testing an E1 (with Backup) but
> I am looking for FiberOptic Provider E1/STM1.

You want to look at a couple of different options.

slony http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/slony1/projdisplay.php
pgpool http://pgpool.projects.postgresql.org/
mammoth replicator
pgcluster http://pgfoundry.org/projects/pgcluster/

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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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