On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 12:50:37 -0800 Chris Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I would imagine that if you simply stow components where you 
>choose to
>stow them, and say, "this is part of what we always install for 
>our customers," and never bring OSS up as an issue, they probably
>won't notice they were going to have an issue with it.

A very good point, and probably the tactic I'm going to use. Rather 
than rebranding, downplaying the use might work.

So, I'll forge ahead and simply deploy it in a somewhat 
unobtrusive, unobvious way. If it becomes a problem, I'll seek to 
educate and work with our sales guys to put a positive spin on the 
issue. I'm actually pretty proud of the way our app works with 
PostgreSQL, and I think once our problem customers see how well it 
runs, their fears, sprung from whatever source, will dissipate.

The silent capabilities of the installer will do nicely in this 
regard...I can wrap it into my current NSIS script and simply call 
out to the installer. However, I need to create a empty database 
and initial user after install is complete. Is there any way to 
"hook" custom scripts into the installer's process? If not, what 
ways would you approach this? It'd have to be self-contained in 
some way, as I cannot guarantee any particular scripting language 
will be installed on the target machines.

Thanks for all your suggestions.


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