i have a project where inheritance could be used, i think. but after going through the lists and having read the FM's, i realize that i beter use another approach. i just describe the project in short :

users have to fill in forms, that mainly exists of different lists and/or textboxes. Users are part of teams ( kind of groups) , and every team is allowed to have its extra listitems, which should be added to the global lists ( as i said, this could be solved with inheritance...). The teams should be able to insert their extra listitems in a table, without touching the global listitems. This could be solved by using a different schema for each team, and each team has its own listitems table. The selected items will end up in a registration table, also specific per team.

  id serial
  id_up int
  priority int2
  label text

  like public.listitems

  like public.listitems

  reg_id serial
  time_registration date
  list_id       foreign ....

i can create the composed listitems for a team by using a select and UNION of the two tables. I am a little bit stuck how i should implement the foreign key in the registration table as the list_id can reference a listitem of the public schema as well of the teams schema.

1-maybe i should use triggers, and all listiteems inserts by the teams should be inserted in the public.listitems as well
2- create a new table that consists of union of both tables
3- other solution

jef peeraer

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