Hi Tom,

Am 2005-12-15 11:29:12, schrieb Tom Lane:
> Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Now if I chante my php5 scripts on my Webserver to point to the 8.0
> > PostgreSQL I get only connect errors.
> What errors exactly?  Without details it's impossible to solve this.

Some of my queries do not more work.
pgsql told me something about malformated...

But I have changed in my phpscript only the ocation of the pgsql

It must be something with the "SELECT" between php5 and pgsql8.0

> > Please note, that I use "hostssl" only.
> You might have forgotten to set up the SSL key files?

No ist is on the right place, and I can connect from
Strasbourg with psql/ssl to my Server in Paris


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