On 12/19/05, Francisco Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Fuhr writes:
> > On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 11:29:13PM -0500, Francisco Reyes wrote:
> >> Any reason why a database would not get dumped by pg_dumpall?
> >> Always run pg_dumpall as the superuser.
> >
> > As the operating system superuser or as a database superuser?
> > There's a difference.
> As the database superuser.
> > Is this a new procedure that has never worked, or is it an old
> > procedure with a new problem?
> Old procedure with a new problem.
> > What are the exact commands you're using to dump and restore?  Have
> > you examined the output and the server's logs for errors and warnings?
> The nightly script is:
> #!/bin/csh
> setenv PGUSER pgsql
> setenv PGPASSWORD <password>
> /usr/local/bin/pg_dumpall |/usr/bin/bzip2 -c ><file>
> Where <file> is
> /vol1/backs/pgsql/dump_all.sql.bz2
> This procedure has been running for a while.
> Last night before upgrading from 8.0.x to 8.1 I ran the script, then
> proceeded to upgrade. So far from what I can tell only lost that one
> database. :-(

- you still have the server where these databases exists?
- what version of pgsql, is this?

pg_dumpall ignore all databases with datallowconn = true, maybe it is the case?

> However it deeply worries me. I will need to find if the script above is the
> problem or something else. In coming days will keep an eye on the dump. This
> one db I lost was bad to loose, but not critical (personal wiki), however it
> would have been horrible if had lost other databases.

Jaime Casanova
(DBA: DataBase Aniquilator ;)

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