On Tue, Dec 27, 2005 at 15:49:43 -0800,
  "Gregory S. Williamson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Petr,
> As long as the new server is the same operating system, and the versions of 
> postgres are the same, you can do a binary copy of the data directory and 
> move it to the new machine, point the new server's postgres to the copied and 
> data and start it up. Indexes, statistics, etc. all are intact and ready to 
> go. On the negative side I think you need to idle the source database during 
> the initial copy.

As a clarification, 'versions are the same' needs to be more strict than the
version number (e.g. 8.1.1) and should include the build options, as some
build options (notably --enable-integer-datetimes) change the format used
for data.

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