MG schrieb:
> Hello,
> I use PostgreSQL 8.0.3.
> I want to get the information of the last value of a sequence.
> The function 'currval' only gives the value back, if before a nextval is
> executed.
> /Return the value most recently obtained by |nextval| for this sequence
> in the current session. (An error is reported if |nextval| has never
> been called for this sequence in this session.) Notice that because this
> is returning a session-local value, it gives a predictable answer
> whether or not other sessions have executed |nextval| since the current
> session did./
> But that is not very helpful.
> I noticed that the phpPgAdmin has that information
> Name  Last value      Increment by    Max value       Min value       Cache 
> value     Log
> count         Is cycled?      Is called?
> adr_dsnr      108     1       9223372036854775807     1       1       25      
> No      Yes
> So how can I get that information?
SELECT * FROM adr_dsnr;

Otoh, for what do you need this information?


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