
We have a database with a bunch of large objects, who's ids we reference in a table. There is a trigger associated with inserts and updates on the table to delete the old value when inserting a new large object associated with a row in the table.

This causes a problem when doing a pg_dump and pg_restore. The dump works fine, but when doing a restore it tries to trigger a delete of an old large object. It seems that the object id is associated with the database that was dumped, and not the one that was restored. So, lo_unlink fails and the whole restore aborts.

Has anyone seen this behavior before? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround for this?

 Thanks for your help.


PS. The dump command was pg_dump --b -Ft -o db > db.tar
        Restore command: pg_restore -O -d db db.tar

 Claire McLister                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1684 Nightingale Avenue     Suite 201
 Sunnyvale, CA 94087            408-733-2737(fax)


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