
thanks :)

> > If -o async means "all I/O is asyncronous except stuff explicitly
> > fsync()ed" you're fine. Otherwise...
> That's the way it works.  Async is the default setting for most
> filesystems, but fsync() is always honored, at last as far as
> non-lying hardware will allow.  :)

That sounds good :)

ext's journalling should take care of the rest I guess - does that sound ok?  
I have read in various places I think that pgSQL doesn't need any 
directory-level operations in keeping WAL up to date so provided the ext3 
partition remains mountable then the database should be fine,

> > The usual advice is to stick the WAL on a properly synced partition and
> > stick the rest somewhere else. Note, I have no experience with this,
> > it's just what I've heard.
> This might not be optimal, as having every write synchronous actually
> results in more synced writes than are strictly necessary.

Actually I thought that *all* the database had to have fsync() work correctly; 
not for integrity on failed transactions, but to maintain integrity during 
checkpointing as well.  But I could well be wrong!



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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