"Peter Zeltins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm trying to write a stored proc (in pl/Pgl) that can accept rowtypes =
> as arguments:

> CREATE or replace FUNCTION www_get_data(user_id "varchar", objectname =
> "varchar", operation "varchar", primarykeyvalue anyelement, rowvalue =
> anyelement)
>   RETURNS SETOF varchar[] AS

> select www_get_data ('test','USERS','QUERY',CAST(('%','%','','','') as =
> mytable),CAST(('%','%','','','') as mytable))

ANYELEMENT only matches scalar types.  I don't think we have any support
for accepting an arbitrary row type as a function argument.  There's
been some speculation about allowing RECORD to do that, but it's not

                        regards, tom lane

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