> > I need to load CSV files that have quotes in data fields 
> > that I want to
> > map to NULLs in the destination table. So if I see 
> > ...,"",... that needs
> > to be mapped to a NULL (in an INTEGER field in this 
> > particular case).
> > Are there any COPY command options that can do that? It 
> > seems that PgSQL
> > COPY expects the NULL to be always unquoted. There is an 
> > option (FORCE
> > NOT NULL) for doing the opposite. How do I specify that the 
> > NULLs are quoted? I am on 8.0.5.
> Did you try NULL AS ''?

yes i did. that is the default and does not change the outcome (same
errors about trying to insert an empty string into a numeric field.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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