I don't wan't to be bundled, I just want it to be known that there are alternatives available.

I don't think it is reasonable to expect the OSS project within the OSS installer to mention commercial alternatives IF
they are shipping an already available OSS product.

What I mean is that the OSS Win32 Installer is shipping PgAdmin why should they mention your product? If I were to suggest that the Win32 Installer should mention Replicator there would be an uproar, rightfully so.

Postgresql is free, so what is the big deal about letting users know about alternative admin tools comercial or open source? It's not like it would put pgAdmin or Postgresql out of business(it could only help).
PostgreSQL is free and the PostgreSQL.Org project does let people know about other tools on the website.

It's a shame you don't see how the bundling of pgAdmin(in the current way) is hurting the 3rd party community.

You are welcome to create your own Win32 Installer. I don't see it as hurting the 3rd party community. I see it as helping the PostgreSQL community.

I don't see that as being detrimental to anyone and would certainly be in fair play.

Fair play? It could be argued that the fact that you don't open source your product means that you don't believe in fair play. I don't personally buy
that argument but I assure you it will be made if this thread continues.

The PostgreSQL community does a very good job of giving the commercial counter parts their due.


Joshua D. Drake

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