On Sat, 28 Jan 2006, Tom Lane wrote:

Not sure why you say "of course" there.  \d output is properly paginated
for me, and I believe for most people.  What platform are you on, and
what do you have environment variable PAGER set to?  Is the output of
plain old SELECT commands paginated for you?


  Running Slackware-10.2 with 'less' as the pager.

  Here's what I'm seeing:

contacts=# \d | less
\d: extra argument "less" ignored

  I can, however, run '\dt' and have it page normally. But, I cannot write
that output to a file using redirection or the tee command:

contacts=# \dt > xrms.tables
No matching relations found.
\dt: extra argument "xrms.tables" ignored

and if I enter
contacts=# \dt | tee > xrms.tables

I see
 public | user_preference_type_options   | table | rshepard
 public | users                          | table | rshepard
(57 rows)

\dt: extra argument "tee" ignored
\dt: extra argument ">" ignored
\dt: extra argument "xrms.tables" ignored

  Now, quitting postgres and reinvoking psql does fix the scroll-too-far
problem. But, something's not quite correct here; to wit:

contacts=# pg_dump --schema-only > xrms.txt;
contacts-# ;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "pg_dump" at character 1
LINE 1: pg_dump

There is not a single command; you use queries against the system catalogs
for purposes like this. The "system catalogs" chapter of the manual gives
the details, but you can get a leg up by looking at the queries psql uses
for whatever form of \d seems closest to what you want. Start psql with -E
option to make it echo the queries it's using.

  I'll be sure to read that section. The \dt and \di commands show me what I
want, but I cannot redirect output to a file. What am I still missing,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |   Author of "Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic"
<http://www.appl-ecosys.com>     Voice: 503-667-4517         Fax: 503-667-8863

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