Sim Zacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> PostGreSQL 8.01 Gentoo
> I renamed my schema from public to stock, and then I found out it didn't 
> change the schemas of the sequences. After searching through the 
> archives, I found that this was on a bug list and would probably be 
> fixed in version 8.2

Actually, it's fixed in 8.1.

> I needed to fix the sequences in any case, so I tried to do it manually 
> using this code:

> update pg_attrdef set 
> adsrc=replace(adsrc,'public.','stock.'),adbin=replace(adbin,'112 117 98 
> 108 105 99 46','115 116 111 99 107 46');

Like to live dangerously, eh?  Hope you weren't doing this on a database
containing data you cared about.

> However, when I try to insert into the table I get an error that 
> public.sequence name is not found

Did you start a fresh session after modifying the catalog?  I don't
think that cached relation descriptors will react to manual hacks
on pg_attrdef.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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