Hi :

Saw this post on BUGS mailing list :

"Olleg Samoylov" <olleg_s ( at ) mail ( dot ) ru> writes:
>> Opps, template1 must not be vacuumed.

>Says who?

>If we didn't vacuum template1 then it would be subject to
>XID wraparound
>problems, unless it had never been modified, which is
>something vacuumdb
>can't count on.

> regards, tom lane

  Under normal circumstances, there's no need to vacuum
template1 right? Its quite difficult to imagine XID
wraparound problems occuring in template1. I can't think
how can 4 billion transactions occur in template1 if
template1 is just used as a template in creating a new

  Am I missing something here?

Thank you very much,

ludwig lim

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