
 We run with multiple identical schemas in our db. Each schema actually represents a clients db. What we’d like to do is have a common schema where trigger functions and the like are held whilst each trigger defined against the tables is in there own particular schema. This would mean that there is one function per trigger type to maintain.


However at the moment we are placing the trigger functions within each schema along with trigger itself. The reason is that we don’t know of a function or a variable that says “Give me the schema of the trigger that is calling this function”. We are therefore having to write the function into every schema and then use set search_path =br1; as the first line. This is a real headache to us since we are intending on putting 200 – 300 schemas in one db.


My question is … is there such a function or variable ?  …. Or is there a better for us to achieve this ?




Paul Newman

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