Chris Kratz wrote:
> Well for anyone else who may be interested in doing something similar, here is
> what we did.  It does require typecasting going into the functions, composite
> types and using the dot notation to get the value back out of the composite
> object returned.  But it works.
> This is what we wanted...
> select last(cur_date, some_column) from some_table....
> We got this close...
> select (last((cur_date, some_column)::last_int_agg)).value as last_int from...

have you looked at new row-wise comparison feature (i might be
misunderstanding your problem)?

select some_column from some_table where (cur_date, some_column) <
'01/01/06',  99999999) order by cur_date desc, some_column desc limit

this will give you the highest value of some_column on the abitrarily
chosen date 01/01/06 (assuming all values of some_column are less than


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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