Hello Every body:
I have implemented psql version 7.4.2 on Debian linux version 3.2  and it was running very well. At this moment it is being crashed when executing a single select statement. Details are mentionded as follows:
 DB Dump size before this problem is arised: 95 MB
After some investigation the problem is narrowed down :
-- A table namly t60 has 411120 rows .
--There is no Index for the t60 table .
-- t60 has column named c1, c2, c3 .
-- Statement " SELECT c1, c3 FROM t60 " Returns All rows of specified coumn.
 But when execute Statement  " SELECT c2  FROM t60 " causes Error like
    &nbs p;
   1." Invalid memory alloc request size  82127290 " 
   2. "ERROR:  out of memory
       DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 875573295"
I have then made an B-Tree Index of t60 and when execute "REINDEX t60 " then get error
"ERROR:  index row requires 336336 bytes, maximum size is 8191"
I have also tried to Make a full dump of the DB but failed but success fully taken schema wise dump accept the the schema that holds t60 table.
Then I have copied full pgsql folder where pgsql is installed to another computer with same configaration and started the pgsql server on that mchaine successfully.And did all operation again on that DB as mentioned above .But gotten same errors again.
Now I have restored the DB from Previous bak cup db dump. But my client says that they have entered many data that stored on t60 table
and there is no way reenter data again.
I will be glad if any body  let me know ASAP :
1.Why the problem is Happenning?
2. What is the solution to restore full datbase?
R.I.  Russell

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