On 3/13/06, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon Keepers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Thanks for your quick response!  I had actually just been trying that
> > (with 7.1) and came across another error:
> > NOTICE:  ShmemAlloc: out of memory
> > NOTICE:  LockAcquire: xid table corrupted
> > dumpBlobs(): Could not open large object.  Explanation from backend:
> > 'ERROR:  LockRelation: LockAcquire failed
> Ugh :-(  How many blobs have you got, thousands?  7.0 stores each blob
> as a separate table, and I'll bet it is running out of lock table space
> to hold a lock on each one.  My recollection is that we converted blob
> storage to a single pg_largeobject table precisely because of that
> problem.

Looks like there's over 17,000 blobs.  :(  But they're all very small,
if that makes a difference.

> What you'll need to do to get around this is to export each blob in a
> separate transaction (or at least no more than a thousand or so blobs
> per transaction).  It looks like pg_dumplo might be easier to hack to do
> things that way --- like pg_dump, it puts a BEGIN/COMMIT around the
> whole run, but it's a smaller program and easier to move those commands
> in.

Unfortunately, I don't know C.  Would someone be willing to help me
hack pg_dumplo in exchange for money?

> Another possibility is to increase the lock table size, but that would
> probably require recompiling the 7.0 backend.  If you're lucky,
> increasing max_connections to the largest value the backend will support
> will be enough.  If you've got many thousands of blobs there's no hope
> there, but if it's just a few thousand this is worth a try before you go
> hacking code.

I'm not the admin of the box that this database is on, so I don't have
any control over it.  I'm working on moving it to a box that I am the
admin of.  But anyway, it sounds like this wouldn't work anyway since
I have so many blobs.

>                         regards, tom lane

Thanks, again for your help, Tom!


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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