On 3/27/06, Merlin Moncure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have not yet implemented the database, and I am VERY reluctant to put the
> > full db outside our "main" firewall because of the need to protect sensitive
> this is natural.  One solution is to put 2nd nic on the web server
> (carefully firewalled) for connections to the database.  Theres lots
> of solutions to the problem.

a second nic would only introduce more headaches don't you think? 
it's like opening another can of woop a$$ that'll eventually bite you

> > info.  So my question, is how do the applications on the webserver interface
> > with the database?  My one thought for a solution is to have a more limited
> > database hosted on the same machine as the webserver that would have
> > customer account number, price lists, and product lists--enough for an order
> I personally don't think this is a very good solution.  You are
> complicating your architecture where database user accounts are much
> more natural and appropriate.  create a web user and explicitly grant
> permisions to that user.  This gives you the flexibility to do real
> stuff when you want to via functions...pg functions can operate under
> a elevated security when you want them to (check out create
> function...invoker/definer)
> > to be taken.  Credit info, etc. is stored someplace more secure.  After an
> > order is taken, the webserver/database/something then forwards an "order
> > placed" type of message to the main database.  Maybe a synch is done between
> > webserver database and main database every five minutes, where the main
> > database pulls any new orders, and pushes any updated part lists, pricing
> > etc. to the webserver db?
> again, I don't like this. you have to maintain the syncing proces and
> you are introducing  timing issues, as well as greatly complicating
> constring checking.  Factor in the complexity and the load.  I would
> suggest doing this only as a last resort.  If you must do this, I
> would suggest using the slony replicator.
> > My question, is would such a scheme be practical, or is there a "best
> > practices" type of approach that I should consider instead, such as the
> > suggestion in your next-to-last paragraph?
> My suggestion would be to familiarize yourself with database security.
>  If using postgres, this means reading over the administration
> chapters very carefully, as well as grant/revoke usage, etc.
> Merlin
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Jonel Rienton
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