On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 11:04, Stefan Fink wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to create a database based upon a template which also
> contains some tables. After invoking
> psql -T <templateName> -U <dbuser> -O <dbowner> test
> the new database 'test' belongs to <dbowner> but all tables are still
> belonging to the user who owns the template <templateName>. This results
> in the following error message when accessing the tables:
> ERROR:  permission denied for relation <some table>
> Of course, I could alter the permissions in way that <dbowner> has
> access to all tables. But it would be much nicer, if the owner of the
> cloned database were inherited to all tables. Is there a way to achieve
> this?

The easy way to do this is to dump the source database with the -O
switch, which turns off the generation of the sql that sets owner on the
objects created during restore.

If you can't get a fresh dump, for whatever reason, then you'll have to
either hand edit the dump to remove those lines or write a one line sed
script to remove them on the fly.

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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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